Sunday, August 28, 2011

Tea(less) Party

~Please excuse the amateur photographs~

Our YW will be having a night of Etiquette and fun this week.  We are having a dress-up Tea Party to celebrate the evening's discussion topic.  There will be punch, treats, games, and a guest speaker.  I'm hoping that the girls learn some basic manners/life skills.  My mom's ward did this with their YW and so I copied the idea.  I added the Etiquette theme, but it should be a lot of fun.  We also invited the Activity Day girls.  I think everyone is going to have a great time!  

Above are the invites I made for the event.  I used bright colored cardstock and white printer paper.  A template and an exacto knife was used to cut the fancy slits in the cardstock and some good 'ole scissors for the tea pots.  If you have a cricket or silhouette I imagine that would save you a lot of time!

Pinnochio's Nose

I recently gave a YW lesson on Avoiding Dishonesty (Manual III, Lesson 35 or 36).  It's a subject that I felt our YW really needed to hear.  There is so much more to honesty than just "telling the truth."  I learned a lot while preparing the lesson, and as always I hope that the girls learned something, too.  

These are the handouts I made for the girls to take with them.  It says "Honesty:  At all times and in all things and in all places. "  At the bottom was a caption from the lesson: "Is it right?  Is it true?"  You should ask yourselves these questions to help you avoid dishonesty.  It's kind of silly, but I immediately thought of Pinnochio as a symbol of honesty/dishonesty, so I added that to the handout.

I used white printer paper, purple cardstock, and some fancy washi tape (thanks to my sis-in-law) to add a little flare.  I also attached a strip of magnet tape to the back so the girls could put the handout in their lockers.  I imagine that school is where they receive the most pressure to be dishonest.


Wanna-Be Crafter (WBC)

A friend told me I need to start blogging about the crafts/projects I do.  They really aren't much, but maybe they will inspire someone who can take the idea and turn it into something fabulous.  So amidst my design posts there will be some DIY posts for you to peruse.  ENJOY!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Bauhaus & Hairspray

Vidal Sassoon's personal residence- a Richard Neutra design
If you ask me, Vidal and his wife have an eye for beauty that is not limited to hair and fashion.  They bought this Richard Neutra home while it was in less than fair condition.  By studying photographs of the home from its glory days and working with an architect, Vidal & Ronnie were able to not only save the home but also restore it to its original beauty. 

“My whole work, beginning in the late 1950s, came from the Bauhaus,” Vidal says.  Who knew the Bauhaus era would reach across the lines of design into the realm of mousse and hairspray?  The man (Vidal) followed and appreciated the work of many architects and designers including the legendary Marcel Breuer.  One artist appreciating the work of others.  There is no greater compliment.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

grown up fort

This is most certainly worthy to be the subject of my 1st post!

Seriously, I am loving this. The strong yellow & bold stripes contrasting the pale hues of the wall and bedding is absolutely stunning. I don't normally see those two colors combined, but what a delight it is in this setting. Don't you just want to dive in with a good book {or embroidery work} and some iced lemonade?

**Check out Country Living for the easy DIY instructions
