Sunday, August 28, 2011

Pinnochio's Nose

I recently gave a YW lesson on Avoiding Dishonesty (Manual III, Lesson 35 or 36).  It's a subject that I felt our YW really needed to hear.  There is so much more to honesty than just "telling the truth."  I learned a lot while preparing the lesson, and as always I hope that the girls learned something, too.  

These are the handouts I made for the girls to take with them.  It says "Honesty:  At all times and in all things and in all places. "  At the bottom was a caption from the lesson: "Is it right?  Is it true?"  You should ask yourselves these questions to help you avoid dishonesty.  It's kind of silly, but I immediately thought of Pinnochio as a symbol of honesty/dishonesty, so I added that to the handout.

I used white printer paper, purple cardstock, and some fancy washi tape (thanks to my sis-in-law) to add a little flare.  I also attached a strip of magnet tape to the back so the girls could put the handout in their lockers.  I imagine that school is where they receive the most pressure to be dishonest.

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